Brian Collin, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist at Matone Counseling in Asheville, North Carolina who specializes in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) diagnosis and treatment. Brian can help with a formal psychological assessment if you suspect you or your child may have ADHD. If you and your child are experiencing conflict because your child is argumentative and struggles to comply with your requests, Brian can help! He helps parents correct oppositional defiant behavior in children using an evidence based intervention called Parent Management Training (PMT).
Prospective clients who are typically a good fit for Brian include:
- Children who are having conflicts with adults. Typically, the conflict occurs because the child refuses to comply with a parent’s or teacher’s request.
- Parents who are willing and motivated to change what they are doing to correct their child’s behaviors.
Prospective clients who typically are not a good fit for Brian include:
- Children who do not have behavioral problems or conflicts with adults.
- Parents who want to be less involved in treatment, and are seeking in-person treatment for their child.
In addition to his clinical work, Brian is also an Assistant Professor of Psychology at Western Carolina University. He holds a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Clinical Psychology from Spalding University, and a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Educational Psychology from the University of Alabama.